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Other Language Translations here at WPC?

Started by Bob Perry, Mon Feb 09, 2015 - 22:02:35

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Bob Perry

If you need to see these pages in a different language, that is possible here but it's VERY Tricky to find...

It is located in the chat tool at bottom of screen...

There is a menu of icons in the toolbar at the bottom of every page, over on the leftmost side of the bar there is a little red icon, this is a popup list of any language translation you wish... powered by the Google© Translations API and in my own testing seems to function perfect although only tested with Firefox & Chrome... it should be noted that it only translates the menus, main headings, board and topic titles if I'm not mistaken.

Best Regards,
Bob Perry

"The world is moving so fast these days that the man who says it can't be done is generally interrupted by someone doing it." Elbert Hubbard

Bob Perry

Also just installed an additional translation tool that is displayed on every page right below and toward the right of the main menu...

